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Business, design, technology, remote work, freelancing, machine learning, and the future of software engineering.

Software Engineering

NodeJS: Top 14 Interview Questions & Answers (2023)

NodeJS is a widely used JavaScript framework for back-end development. This article provides questions & answers to prepare for a Node job interview.
Juan Salas
January 24, 2023
Software Engineering

What is NodeJS? (Uses and Features Explained)

NodeJS is an open-source runtime environment based on JavaScript that allows for the development and execution of server-side code.
Juan Salas
January 18, 2023

Sourcing Talent in The Right Place Amid The Great Renegotiation

Companies must develop strategies to find the best talent amid the Great Renegotiation. This article will explain why a Talent Pool is the best option.
Pablo Baldomá Jones
January 16, 2023

Unplugging from Technology Will Make You Happier and More Productive

It is vital to disconnect from technology to increase happiness and productivity. This article guides how to unplug from technology and reconnect with life.
Pablo Baldomá Jones
January 13, 2023

Smart Working: Taking Remote Work to The Next Level

Remote work changed the way we work. Smart working taught us how to better use our resources to take our business to the next level.
Juan Salas
January 11, 2023