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Software Engineering

Redux vs MobX: Which State Management Library is Right for Your ReactJS Application?

Discover the key differences between Redux and MobX for ReactJS state management. Learn how to choose the right library for your project needs.
Juan Salas
April 26, 2023

Designing an Exceptional Onboarding Program for New Hires

An effective onboarding program is critical for new hires' success. Follow these steps to design a comprehensive program that engages and retains employees.
Santiago Valdovinos
April 19, 2023
Software Engineering

NextJS + Redux: Unlocking Next-Level State Management for Web Apps

Learn how to integrate NextJS with Redux and take your state management to the next level. Follow our step-by-step guide for efficient web apps.
Juan Salas
April 13, 2023
Software Engineering

Exploring the World of NodeJS Frameworks: Express, Koa, and Hapi

Are you looking for the perfect NodeJS framework for your next project? This article will explore the differences between Express, Koa, and Hapi.
Juan Salas
April 5, 2023
Software Engineering

Navigating the AI Era: The Role of Management in Software Development

AI has brought about significant changes in software development. Management roles are key to navigating these changes and ensuring projects succeed.
Pablo Baldomá Jones
April 4, 2023