Photographer: charlesdeluvio | Source: UnsplashReactJS is a popular front-end framework that makes building complex user interfaces more manageable. As your ReactJS application grows in size and complexity, managing state can become a challenging task. State management is the process of managing the state of an application, including user input, UI state, and application data.
Choosing the right state management library is essential for building scalable and maintainable ReactJS applications. The right library can help you manage your application state more efficiently, making it easier to debug and maintain your codebase.
Redux and MobX are two popular state management libraries that provide a robust solution for managing state in ReactJS applications. Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps, while MobX is a simple, scalable, and battle-tested state management solution. Both libraries provide an easy-to-use API for managing application state and have gained a lot of traction in the ReactJS ecosystem.
Understanding Redux
Redux is based on three fundamental principles: a single source of truth, read-only state known as a Store, and changes made with pure functions called Reducers. These principles help to ensure that your application's state remains predictable and easy to manage.
Redux provides a robust and predictable way to manage your application state. It enables you to manage your state in a more organized and scalable way. Redux also provides powerful debugging tools that can help you debug your application state more efficiently.
Redux in a ReactJS App
Redux works seamlessly with ReactJS, thanks to the React-Redux library. The React-Redux library provides an easy-to-use API for connecting your React components to your Redux store.
Creating the Store
// store.js
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import rootReducer from './reducers';
const store = createStore(rootReducer);
export default store;
In the above code, you can see how a store is created using createStore
from Redux. The rootReducer
is imported from ./reducers
and passed to createStore
. The created store is then exported for use in other parts of the application.
Creating the Reducers
// reducers.js
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import counterReducer from './counterReducer';
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
counter: counterReducer,
export default rootReducer;
In the code above, you can see the implementation of a reducer using combineReducers
from Redux. The counterReducer
function is imported from ./counterReducer
and passed to combineReducers
, which creates a root reducer that can handle multiple reducers. The created reducer is then exported for use in other parts of the application.
// counterReducer.js
const initialState = {
count: 0,
const counterReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
count: state.count + 1,
return {
count: state.count - 1,
return state;
export default counterReducer;
The code above shows the implementation of a simple counter reducer. The initial state is defined with a count of 0. The counterReducer
function takes in the current state and an action, and returns a new state based on the action type. If the action type is 'INCREMENT'
, the count is increased by 1. If the action type is 'DECREMENT'
, the count is decreased by 1. Otherwise, the current state is returned.
// Counter.js
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
const Counter = ({ count, increment, decrement }) => {
return (
<button onClick={increment}>+</button>
<button onClick={decrement}>-</button>
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
count: state.counter.count,
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
increment: () => dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' }),
decrement: () => dispatch({ type: 'DECREMENT' }),
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Counter);
Finally, the code above shows how a component can be connected to the store using connect
from Redux. The mapStateToProps
function maps the count
property from the store's state to the component's props. The mapDispatchToProps
function maps the increment
and decrement
functions to the component's props, allowing the component to dispatch actions to the store. The Counter
component then renders the count and two buttons that call the increment
and decrement
functions, respectively.
Exploring MobX
MobX is based on the principles of observables and reactions. Observables are the core concept in MobX and represent values that can be observed for changes. Reactions are functions that automatically update when an observable value they depend on changes.
MobX provides a simpler and more intuitive way to manage state compared to Redux. It requires less boilerplate code and allows for more direct manipulation of state. MobX also provides excellent performance optimizations, making it suitable for large-scale applications.
Using MobX in a ReactJS App
MobX works seamlessly with ReactJS by leveraging the mobx-react
library. The mobx-react
library provides React bindings for MobX, allowing you to easily create reactive components.
In this example, we have a CounterStore class that defines a count observable and two action methods: increment and decrement. The CounterStore class is then instantiated as counterStore and exported.
// store.js
import { observable, action } from 'mobx';
class CounterStore {
@observable count = 0;
@action increment() {
@action decrement() {
@action reset() {
this.count = 0;
const counterStore = new CounterStore();
export default counterStore;
In the Counter.js file, we import the observer and counterStore from the store.js file. The Counter component is then defined as an observer function that subscribes to changes to the count observable. The component renders the current count, along with two buttons to increment and decrement the count.
// Counter.js
import { observer } from 'mobx-react';
import counterStore from './store';
const Counter = observer(() => {
const { count, increment, decrement } = counterStore;
return (
<button onClick={increment}>+</button>
<button onClick={decrement}>-</button>
export default Counter;
The implementation of the reset method is not shown in the code examples above, but it can be easily added to the CounterStore class by defining a new action method that sets the count observable to 0.
Comparing Redux and MobX
State Management Approach and Philosophy
Redux follows a unidirectional data flow and promotes immutable updates to the state. MobX, on the other hand, allows for more direct mutation of state and focuses on reactivity.
Complexity and Learning Curve
Redux has a steeper learning curve due to its strict principles and the need to understand concepts like reducers and actions. MobX has a more straightforward API and requires less boilerplate code, making it easier to grasp for beginners.
Performance and Scalability
Redux provides performance optimizations through the use of immutable data and a strict update cycle. MobX, on the other hand, uses fine-grained reactivity, which can lead to better performance in certain scenarios.
Community Support and Ecosystem
Both Redux and MobX have strong community support and vibrant ecosystems. Redux has a larger community and a wide range of middleware and devtools available. MobX, while smaller, has an active community and offers a concise and focused set of libraries.
In this article, we explored the differences between Redux and MobX and discussed their key features, benefits, and how they work with ReactJS. We compared their state management approaches, complexity, performance, community support, and provided code examples to showcase the differences between the two libraries.
When choosing between Redux and MobX, consider the project requirements, team familiarity, performance considerations, integration with existing tools, and future maintainability. Each library has its strengths and trade-offs, and the right choice depends on your specific needs.
We encourage you to evaluate your project's needs, consider the pros and cons of Redux and MobX, and make an informed decision based on the specific requirements of your ReactJS application. Both Redux and MobX are powerful state management libraries that can greatly enhance the development experience and maintainability of your application.