Let's talk about

Business, design, technology, remote work, freelancing, machine learning, and the future of software engineering.


Scaling with Incentives and Compensation: Talking with Sebastian Ross at Alto's Zebra 3, 2, 1

In this episode of Altro's Zebra 3, 2, 1 podcast, Sebastian Ross discusses the potential of using compensation as a strategic tool to scale startups.
Pablo Baldomá Jones
May 24, 2023
Software Engineering

Unleashing the Agile Warriors: Mastering the Art of Continuous Improvement in Your Software Engineering Team

This article outlines how to cultivate a culture of continuous improvement in software engineering teams. It includes examples of adopting agile practices.
Santiago Valdovinos
May 24, 2023

Conquering the Virtual Frontier: Unlocking the True Costs of Hiring Remote Software Engineers

Embark on an adventurous quest. Uncover the true costs of hiring remote software engineers and conquer the virtual frontier of talent acquisition.
Santiago Valdovinos
May 18, 2023

Scaling B2B Sales: Talking with Jeffrey Travis at Alto's Zebra 3, 2, 1

Jeffrey Travis, CEO of Positron, shares insights on scaling B2B sales. Learn from customer feedback, strategic alliances, and business model changes.
Pablo Baldomá Jones
May 16, 2023

What the K2 Can Teach Us About Data-Driven Company Growth

Scaling a company is like climbing K2. Both require a data-driven approach in wich historical data, predictive analytics, and strategic planning are crucial
Pablo Baldomá Jones
May 10, 2023