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Business, design, technology, remote work, freelancing, machine learning, and the future of software engineering.

Software Engineering

How to Start a Software Company With No Money Down

Want to start your own business but don't have the funds? It is possible to create a software company with no money down. We will tell you how to do it.
Juan Salas
October 25, 2022

Mental Health and Remote Work: How and Why to Strike a Balance?

Preserving physical and mental health is essential for workers. With the pandemic almost over, companies must not let go of what they have learned.
Pablo Baldomá Jones
October 20, 2022

6 Types of Employee Personas Every Successful Tech Company Needs

Six types of Employee Personas often come up in the recruiting process. Why and how to develop an Employee Persona?
Pablo Baldomá Jones
October 12, 2022

Ensuring Workforce Compliance in the Gig Economy

The GIG Economy continues growing. Here are some aspects related to compliance that all companies must take into account to take full advantage of it.
Pablo Baldomá Jones
October 11, 2022
Software Engineering

Data Science vs. Data Analytics: 4 Key Differences

The fields of data science and data analytics are in high demand with plenty of opportunities and growth. However, finding the ideal data-related job is not as simple as it seems
Pablo Baldomá Jones
October 11, 2022