How we work has changed: companies compete to adapt to new challenges.Work trends continue to change. The pandemic and the Great Renunciation, added to the inclusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and the automation of operational processes, transformed the relationship of people with their jobs and that of companies with their employees.
The annual Axios Harris 100 study found that 56% of in-person workers want to switch to a hybrid or fully remote job for more flexibility. Millennials are 84% of the people most likely to opt for a remote option.
The general business landscape points to a change in attendance rules, and work seeks to adapt to people's lives and not the other way around. The majority of remote and hybrid workers (93%, according to a New York Times survey) say that this work trend is significant to their lifestyle.
In this sense, it is expected that this year (2022), new work parameters will be solidified and established, guided precisely by the needs of people and by current technological possibilities. Some of these trends will be:
Remote and hybrid work opportunities
These work trends will continue to grow, according to recent analyses. A study by Flexjob revealed that 58% of the US workforce prefer to work remotely, while 39% lean toward hybrid work.
Forbes, for its part, pointed out that only 4% of the companies that made their employees more flexible have decided to reinstate them in their offices. This unpopular measure has generated resignations and negative evaluations of the employees towards the companies.
Prioritizing happiness and well-being
The balance between work and personal life has become a priority for most companies, and those that have not understood this - and have not modernized their organizational culture - have suffered (or will suffer) significant losses.
Including policies that benefit employees' physical and mental health is essential; taking into account their experience and well-being are vital to keep them motivated and avoid burnout and work stress. Giving importance to these aspects generates a positive work experience, and the new talents will arrive by themselves when the word spreads.
Encourage the development of professional skills
The new leadership must recognize that it is more important to focus efforts on improving the skills of current employees than on finding new talent; Investing in the professional development of people and allowing them to grow not only helps to close urgent business gaps but also saves future costs, builds loyalty and prevents talent shortages.
According to the World Economic Forum, close to 40% of the current global workforce will require up to six months of retraining by 2024.
Promote inclusion, equity, and diversity
Companies that can broaden their focus and include inclusion, equity, and diversity policies will be more attractive to new talent than those that ignore these aspects.
According to a work trends study by CNBC, almost 80% of the US workforce is committed to working in a company with an inclusive approach. At the same time, PwC assured in 2021 that this is the main factor for attracting and retaining talent.
Increased use of AI and automated processes
Technology has radically transformed workspaces; thanks to its incorporation in key operating sectors, many processes have been improved, giving optimal results in less time.
While some mechanical tasks are taken over by artificial intelligence or automation, employees have the opportunity to retrain and use their talents in creative or commercial areas.
Technology and data analysis for talent management
Finally, in the Human Resources and Culture departments, one of the central aspects where this transformation has had an impact - and where technology and data analysis have been pillars for its development.
This sector has completely changed how to recruit new talent, organize databases, and manage the workforce. Thanks to technology, recruiters can attract new talent more quickly, and people analytics help determine new ways to measure employee productivity and motivation.
Including technology in these processes also reduces hiring costs and times, increasing company employee retention.
In this sense, a great strategy has been to have companies dedicated to hiring and managing talent.
Companies like Celerative take full advantage of these technologies and data analysis advantages to help other companies recruit and manage their employees.
Thanks to these advances and the work of a team of experts, these talent companies can attract professionals with specific skills in a short time and with a high level of effectiveness. Which also translates into significant economic savings.
As we move forward in the year, it only remains to ask ourselves what the following changes will be that we will see reflected in labor relations.
Today, the game’s rules have completely changed, and work trends require employers to keep abreast of transformations if they do not want to lose their collaborators or fall behind in the commercial race.